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La plongée vous intéresse ? Ce qu'il faut savoir avant de commencer

The earth is unique. it is the only planet in our solar system that can support carbon-based life, or life as we know it. The water covers more than two thirds of this planet, and is home to a huge part of its life. Unfortunately we know more about what happens on the surface of Mars, than in the depths of our oceans.
In fact the earth has so much water on it that we might as well refer to it as the water planet. However, vast tracts of this underwater world look much as the surface of Mars does. Barren and lifeless. While there are abyssal and pelagic forms of life in the oceans, the distances are so vast, and the oceans so deep that one does not often run across them. Luckily, the earth has oases of life in the shallower depths - coral reefs. These tropical reefs are an explosion of life and colour that leaves one breathless with their diversity and beauty.

For centuries people have made their living from these reefs, fishing from shore, or collecting shellfish. Then braver souls ventured into the water with spears, and spear hunting was born. Free diving for lobsters, crayfish or oysters and other shellfish is a strenuous and sometimes arduous activity. You also have very little time to observe and interact with the various forms of marine life. In order to be able to fully experience the rich variety of life under the surface of the water you need to be able to stay down for an appreciable amount of time.

A Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, or SCUBA allows you to stay down for longer periods and interact more naturally with the environment. Instead of being an intruder you become a guest in the underwater world.

Getting yourself certified as a scuba diver is a rewarding achievement that is accessible to anyone of average ability. No longer do we need to be super fit strong swimmers to be able to enjoy scuba diving. Being able to swim and stay afloat for a minimum period of time is sufficient for the recreational diver. As long as there are no medical contra-indications anyone should be able to scuba. Age is really of no concern, as long as we match our physical abilities to our level of exertion.

When we scuba dive we enter a liquid realm where the rules of gravity are, if not temporarily suspended, at least subtly different. Learning to move and operate in this environment is as important to the scuba diver as learning to walk is to the new-born, and therefore the choice of school and instructor is of paramount importance to having a long and successful scuba diving career.

Remember though, an Open Water Diver Certification is only your first step into a rich and rewarding pastime. Further training will allow you to explore this fascinating pastime more fully, and could even turn it into a profitable career.