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Plonger dans le Sud de l'Angleterre Populaire

Région de plongée : Angleterre (sud) - Voir la carte Plonger dans le Sud de l'Angleterre

Meilleure saison pour plonger : Mars  •  Avril  •  Mai  •  Juin  •  Juillet  •  Aout  •  Septembre  •  Octobre
Nombre de jours recommendés sur place : Plus d'une semaine
Nombre de sites de plongée : Plus de 20 Sites
Température de l'eau et combinaison adéquate : 0-10C : Combinaison étanche
Visibilité en moyenne : 21 - 25 mètres
Profondeur moyenne des plongées : 15 Mètres
Type de courant : Courants forts - plongée dérivante
Mois de présence des courants : N/A
Conditions générales de surface : Conditions très variables
Types d'épave : Navires récents  •  Avion
Note générale
Note client
Expérience vécue
Vaut le détour
Type de vie marine : Barracuda  •  Murènes  •  Thons  •  Tortues
Présence de grottes ou cavernes sous-marines : Oui - Semi-fermée


Suit: A drysuit is recommended for comfort for the whole year, but a semidry can comfortably be used from June to October, or all year round if you are brave!
Type of diving: Mostly wreck diving, drifts, some reefs

The relatively shallow strip of water that joins the Atlantic and separates southern Britain from northern France is known as the English Channel. It is the smallest shallow sea in Europe with an area of about 75,000 square kilometres. It begins at an arbitrary limit marked by a line between the Scilly Isles and the Isle of Ushant and tapers eastward to its junction with the North Sea at the Strait of Dover. The channel is fairly narrow and the shortest crossing point between England and France is a mere 43 kilometres from New Romney in Kent to Boulogne. The depth of the channel shallows around the coastal waters and in an easterly direction. The deepest spot of water is 120 metres at the entrance to the Strait of Dover, but the average depth is around 40-60 metres, making it a very accessible patch of sea for divers.

The south coast of England is renown for its maritime disasters, dating right back to the arrival of the Romans, caused by Storms, two World Wars and previous wars with the French, Spanish, Romans, Vikings and even Mutiny. The South Coast ranges from Lands End in the west to Margate in the east, artefacts are regularly being brought up by divers in deep and shallow depths, artefacts have even been found in the shallows waist deep and washed up by the tides. There are treasures abounding in the southern UK waters, people think the only place to see reefs are in warmer climes like the Red sea and the Maldives, we have our own reefs here in the UK southern waters.
Scuba Diving was first brought to the fore in the sixties and seventies by Jacques Cousteau on the TV and film, in those day`s diving was a fantasy and a very expensive pastime, the general public could not afford to Scuba Dive. Now with modern technology and materials it is now affordable by the general public.
There are a lot of new sites being discovered on the South coast and so diving in the range of 10 Metres to 40 Metres has never been better.

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