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Plonger à Hobart Populaire

Région de plongée : Hobart - Voir la carte Plonger à Hobart

Meilleure saison pour plonger : Janvier  •  Février  •  Mars  •  Avril  •  Mai  •  Juin  •  Juillet  •  Aout  •  Septembre  •  Octobre  •  Novembre  •  Décembre
Nombre de jours recommendés sur place : 5 à 7 jours
Nombre de sites de plongée : 16 à 20 Sites
Température de l'eau et combinaison adéquate : 16-20C : Combinaison 2 pieces
Visibilité en moyenne : 16 - 20 mètres
Profondeur moyenne des plongées : 20 Mètres
Type de courant : Courants de force moyenne
Mois de présence des courants : All year long but be careful with some strong currents and sudden storms.
Conditions générales de surface : Conditions très variables
Types d'épave : Navires récents  •  Epaves artificielles  •  Navires de guerre
Note générale
Note client
Expérience vécue
Vaut le détour
Type de vie marine : Anémone  •  Barracuda  •  Coraux  •  Seiche  •  Dauphins  •  Mérou  •  Carangues  •  Murènes  •  Nudibranches (invertébrés)  •  Pieuvres/poulpes  •  Plantes  •  Poissons de récif  •  Oursins  •  Hippocampes  •  Requins gris  •  Requins de récif  •  Crevettes  •  Corail mou  •  Eponges  •  Etoiles de mer  •  Tortues  •  Baleines  •  Vers
Présence de grottes ou cavernes sous-marines : Oui - Semi-fermée


Separated from the mainland by Bass Strait, Tasmania has rugged beauty of Cradle Mountain and the west, the beaches of the east, and the complete wilderness of the south. Hobart, Tasmania's capital, was the site of the second European settlement in Australia, and many historic sites are well preserved. The island has well developed facilities for travellers.

Western Tasmania has a climate similar to England, although Tasmania's capital Hobart is the second driest Australian capital. Temperatures in some southern regions can drop below freezing in winter. Australia is prone to severe drought.


The coastal waters of South Australia and in particular the Gulf of St. Vincent and Investigator Strait lie on the continental shelf. The non-tidal circulation of waters is caused by the three factors of local wind, local exchange of heat and water at the sea surface and circulation from the deep ocean in adjacent waters.


Diving in Hobart

We recommend 5mm suit except in winter where dry suit is highly recommended.

The best time of year to dive is Autumn. The water is colder but clearer. For regular divers, the time of the year does not really matter provided you have an appropriate dive suit for the conditions and water movement is minimal.


Divers heading for Hobart for a dive holiday have a wide variety of scuba diving sites to choose from. The winter shore dives have clear water and with a wealth of easy entry sites make it ideal for snorkelers and underwater photographers.


It is not rare in one of the diving destinations, at around 10m, that you dive surrounded by seahorses, octopuses, yellow tails, and morays. And normally you should be really unlucky if you cannot see the famous  Leafy Seadragon, South Australia's famous marine emblem which is only found in Australian temperate waters.


In Tasmania, passing through the kelp forests and the underwater caves is an amazing water experience. Along the caves are tiny passages and tunnels that lead to the other side of the waters, through which coming across some species is an occasional event. The cave walls literally resemble a celebrated painter's abstract because of the invertebrates covering the walls.

For divers who wish to see forest kelps, Tathra Pinnacle is the perfect destination. Also called as the Twin Peaks, this site has two distinctive pinnacles, both of which are accessible by boat. With a depth of 28 meters, the Tathra Pinnacle is covered with soft invertebrates, while schools of fish swim around the area.


And for the wrecks’ addict we have 2 recommendations:

- The famous wreck diving site, the SS Empire Gladstone. It is a sea carrier that sunk in 1950. This spacious wreckage is perfect for beginners, especially during mild weather conditions.

- The Hobart, 10mn boat ride from Marina St. Vincent enjoys underwater visibility of more than 10 metres most of the year. The water clarity, the massive fish populations and the giant vessel make this an exciting dive experience.



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