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Plonger à Puerto Galera - Philippines Populaire

Région de plongée : Philippines - Puerto Galera - Voir la carte Plonger à Puerto Galera - Philippines

Meilleure saison pour plonger : Avril  •  Mai  •  Juin  •  Juillet  •  Aout  •  Septembre  •  Octobre
Nombre de jours recommendés sur place : Plus d'une semaine
Nombre de sites de plongée : Plus de 20 Sites
Température de l'eau et combinaison adéquate : 26C-… : Combinaison courte ou fine
Visibilité en moyenne : 16 - 20 mètres
Profondeur moyenne des plongées : 20 Mètres
Type de courant : Courants nuls ou non significatifs
Mois de présence des courants : no current or non significant in most of the local dive sites ideal for beginners. But can be fierce in the straits in the channels between the Islands.
Conditions générales de surface : Généralement surface calme
Types d'épave : Ancien bateau en bois  •  Epaves artificielles
Note générale
Note client
Expérience vécue
Vaut le détour
Type de vie marine : Anémone  •  Barracuda  •  Coraux  •  Ecrevisse  •  Seiche  •  Dauphins  •  Mérou  •  Carangues  •  Homard  •  Murènes  •  Nudibranches (invertébrés)  •  Pieuvres/poulpes  •  Plantes  •  Poissons de récif  •  Serpents de mer  •  Hippocampes  •  Requins gris  •  Requins de récif  •  Crevettes  •  Corail mou  •  Eponges  •  Calmar  •  Etoiles de mer  •  Thons  •  Tortues  •  Vers
Présence de grottes ou cavernes sous-marines : Oui - Ouverte


The beginning of the prosperity dive industry in the area of Puerto Galera was the discovery in the waters of Batangas Bay of merchant ship’ remains loaded with Chinese porcelain and other valuable goods. Today, local dive operators offer many interesting dive sites located in an hour's drive from any beach and hotel Puerto Galera.
Dives on the different sites. From 12 m to 54 m deep (With qualified staff of course.) The deep dives are done early in the morning. Do not forget the parachute, because many ships are passing by the sites ... Visibility in the good season as high as 30 meters with an average visibility - from 10 to 25 meters - All underwater life has comes in large quantities and variety. Few examples:
Shark Cave: located near the Cape Eskarseo. Because of the strong undercurrents this place is dangerous for beginners and scary for inexperienced divers. Average depth - 18 meters, a large popular drift diving, night diving and underwater photography. Semi-closed caves where sharks are sleeping, located at a depth of 25-28 meters. At a depth of 12 meters starts Pink Wall, so named because of the abundance of soft coral pink color.

Canyons: one of the most popular dive sites in the vicinity of Puerto Galera. It is always possible to see moray eels, tuna, white-tip shark.

Cape Sabang: coral reef begins at a depth of 8 meters and descends to a depth of 20 meters. Beautiful wall, with moray eels and blue flip-flops, lots of corals, sponges, fantastic species number of Nudibranch, as well as unforgettable night dives.

At few kilometers from Cape Sebang, Verde Islands, there is another reef, slightly less popular because of strong undercurrents. This place is considered suitable only for experienced divers. Visibility around 35 meters. The city of Sabang is lively at night (bars, good restaurants), but not too noisy. Being away is very relaxing, but no choice of restaurants.

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