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Plonger à l'ile aux kangourous Populaire

Région de plongée : Ile aux Kangourous - Voir la carte Plonger à l'ile aux kangourous

Meilleure saison pour plonger : Janvier  •  Aout  •  Septembre  •  Octobre  •  Novembre  •  Décembre
Nombre de jours recommendés sur place : 5 à 7 jours
Nombre de sites de plongée : 6 à 10 Sites
Température de l'eau et combinaison adéquate : 21-25C : Combinaison fine
Visibilité en moyenne : Plus de 30 mètres
Profondeur moyenne des plongées : 20 Mètres
Type de courant : Courants de force moyenne
Mois de présence des courants : N/A
Conditions générales de surface : Conditions moyennes
Types d'épave : Ancien bateau en bois  •  Navires récents  •  Avion
Note générale
Note client
Expérience vécue
Vaut le détour
Type de vie marine : Anémone  •  Coraux  •  Dauphins  •  Carangues  •  Murènes  •  Plantes  •  Poissons de récif  •  Phoques  •  Requins - Grand blanc  •  Crevettes  •  Corail mou  •  Eponges  •  Tortues
Présence de grottes ou cavernes sous-marines : Non


Water temperature: 25°C - 30°C (77°F - 86deg°F)
Suit: 3mm - 5mm wetsuit
Visibility: 20 - 50 metres (65 - 165 feet)
Type of diving: Wrecks, reefs 

Scuba Diving Kangaroo Island, South Australia Kangaroo Island is considered the third largest island in Australia. This paradise, blessed with crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches, is found 112 kilometres southwest of Adelaide. Kangaroo Island is a world-renowned destination in the Land Down Under, because aside from the fact that it is throbbing with various flora and fauna, the place is also every diver's favorite spot.

As a popular diving haven, its pristine waters, rich marine life, beautiful reefs, and myriad shipwrecks are what attract divers to the place. Marine creatures like Australian Sea Lions, Bottle-Nosed Dolphins, and Leafy Sea Dragons are among the famous animals that thrive in the area. Great White Sharks are also frequently seen all over Kangaroo Island's beaches. As a matter of fact, there are a number of shark-watching planes available in the area.
For the more adventurous divers, they can choose between the Snapper Point and Backstair Passage if they want to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience of diving along the majestic and astounding coral reefs, gorgonians, and sponges. Moreover, for those who love photography and like to capture the amazing underwater scenery in their cameras can take a plunge into the Penneshaw.
Aside from the breathtaking view, they can also go abalone hunting and lobster fishing in the place. Aside from diving, activities like swimming, snorkeling, and surfing are also popular in Kangaroo Island. Beaches found in the northern area of the island like the Emu Bay, Stokes Bay, and Snelling Beach are the three most frequently-visited sites.

Apart from its beaches and diving destinations, Kangaroo Island is also known for its conservation parks, and bee sanctuaries. The Ravine des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area, Seal Bay Conservation Park, and the Flinders Chase National Park are the popular habitat of the different animals that are found only in the island.
The Glossy Black Cockatoo, Common Brushtail Possum, Lingurian Bees, Southern Brown Bandicoot, Short-beaked Echidna, and the Tammar Wallaby are among the few extinct creatures that live in the place. These animals are also the island's attractions that is why the local government are severely protecting them against poachers. Kangaroo Island also offers modern amenities like petrol stations, shops, banks, and restaurants in the key towns. Accommodations like inns and motels can be seen everywhere, yet tourists should make their reservations in advance. Overall, for those who want to see a side of Australia that is different, simple, and fun, Kangaroo Island offers a whole lot of sights and activities for the ultimate nature lover.

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