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95 resultats - Affichage 21 - 40 1 2 3 4 5
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Plonger dans la reserve de Portofino
THE MARINE PROTECTED AREA ENVIRONMENT Landscape and wildlife: the cape of Portofino constitutes one of the most important outlets of eastern Liguria. It has a quadrangular shape and stretches into...
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Plonger sur la cote Nord de Mombasa
Most of the dive sites at Mombasa North Coast are within the Mombasa marine park controlled by Kenya Wild Life Service (KWS). A wide range of marine life can be...
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St. Eustache - STATIA Antilles Néerlandaises
Le monde sous-marin de Saint Eustache, appelé aussi Statia, est renommé pour sa beauté. Les photographes ont un large choix entre la macro, la vue normale ou panoramique en fonction des...
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Plonger en Calabre - Italie
Calabria, the southern most 'toe' of the Italian 'boot', is a huge peninsula with a unique natural and ecological balance between the mountains and the sea. It is described...
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Plonger à la Guadeloupe
Les sites de plongée se situent autour des îlets Pigeon, dans la Réserve Cousteau et le long de la côte sous-le-vent. C'est à cet endroit que le Commandant Cousteau a...
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Plonger dans le golf de St Raphaël
Le golfe de Saint-Raphaël est le berceau de la plongée sous-marine en France. Cette région a vu naître et se développer la passion d’illustres plongeurs, pour bon nombre issus de...
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Plonger à Puerto Galera - Philippines
The beginning of the prosperity dive industry in the area of Puerto Galera was the discovery in the waters of Batangas Bay of merchant ship’ remains loaded with Chinese porcelain...
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Plonger peut se faire à partir de différents endroits: Moal Boal: à environ 2H30 de voiture de l'aéroport.... Facile mais long. Par contre le déplcement vaut le coup car on y...
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Plonger à Boracay
Boracay Island offers crystal waters, sugary beaches that squeak when walked on, and lush hilly landscapes into an idyllic tourist haven that's guaranteed to fascinate visitors into tranquil harmony with...
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Plonger à Kadavu
The Best Hard Corals in Fiji! The Great Astrolabe Reef is still the jewel in the Kadavu diving crown and is a reef now well known among divers throughout the...
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Plonger à Cancun
The city of Cancun attracts more tourists than any other city in Mexico; about 3 million people take Cancun vacations annually. Cancun is famous for the incredible beaches, stunning views,...
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Plonger à Cozumel
Island Dreams brings you the best diving in Mexico - offering big value, and bigger fun! Cozumel's world-renowned diving offers limitless walls, excellent visibility, wonderful marine life, and plenty of...
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Plonger à Mexico
One of the most popular and rewarding activities for any Mexico beach vacation is scuba diving Mexico. Scuba diving resources are abundantly available all along the Mexican coast with many...
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Plonger au Honduras
The islands off the coast of Honduras provide varied pleasures for the traveler: Roatan, Guanaja, and Utila. Roatan, the most developed of the three islands, rivals Cancun in flavor, and offers...
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Plonger à Oahu
Type of diving: Reefs, walls, wrecks, lava tubes,  Oahu is a varied island, famous for its surfing, particularly during the winter months (October to March) and or Pearl Harbour which is located...
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Plonger autours de l'ile Catalina aux US
Suit: Either a drysuit or 5 to 7mm. Type of diving: reefs, shark diving Visibility ranges from 40 to 100 feet, depending on the location.Take a breath of fresh air and...
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Plonger à St. Lucia - Caraibes
Nested between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean St Lucia is a very beautiful island. St. Lucia is a volcanic island with stunning scenery above the water. The majestic twin...
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Plonger à Grenade
The underwater scenery in Grenada is every bit as breathtaking as it is above the waves, and just as accessable. Most of the diving facilities in Grenada are located in...
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Plonger à Curacao
Suit: 3mm-5mm shortie Type of diving: Some wrecks, reefs and walls Located just north of Venezuela, Curaçao is a small volcanic island. It is part of the Dutch Caribbean with its...
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Plonger à Cuba
Suit: 3mm shortie or full length wetsuit Type of diving: Steep walls cut by tunnels and caverns and shallow reefs plus a few wrecks Cuba is a fascinating place with...
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