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Scuba Diving - Enjoying and at the same time keeping your self safe!

It is not all about fun? Well, its very purpose is to explore and to provide fun but above all of these, still your safety should be ranked first on the list. It is known that scuba diving has been a favorite to many. It is not something one should ponder why because whether you choose to do scuba diving during the day or during the night, you will get to see the breathtaking beauty of the underwater. It is enough reason why majority of the people are into it.

Accidents are something you can hardly avoid these times, accidents can happen almost everywhere. The point is - you surely do not want to spoil your scuba diving with some freaking accident, right? There are different safety rules which you must first know before involving yourself in it. These safety rules vary, depending on your chosen time of doing your scuba diving. There are added safety rules like light and some basic light signs lesson if you choose to dive at night.

However, there are few general safety rules which apply in both night and day scuba diving. These are:

Have indeed a proper training. Just like a child needs proper education to know and practice matters well, in scuba diving there are no shortcuts too. Since humans lived in land and not in underwater, it is expected that being underwater will not be as comfortable as walking in the streets. Getting the right training from a reliable trainer is a must. Also, proper training means an open water certification, if you are interested to have one then do some training.

Do not dive alone, dive with somebody. Doing solo scuba diving is not really a brilliant idea. It is advisable to dive with a group or with a partner. Better choose your best buddy so that in case something bad happens, you are sure that your partner will not go away and just leave you behind dying. You will keep an eye on your partner and your partner will exactly do the same.

It is a must for a diver to be physically fit. This is important because you simply cannot predict what can happen underwater, it is therefore crucial that you are in a good shape. Just at least you know how to swim. Better do some physical examination before committing yourself to scuba diving.

Perform a double check on everything. Be wise enough to check your diving equipments twice or even thrice to be sure. This should be done all the time whether you are just renting the diving equipments or you yourself own it. Jumping and diving into the underwater without even testing or checking the diving equipments is a clear sign of a lousy wanna be diver! “Do plan your dive and do dive your plan” - This is the phrase which is often used in the training. You should equip yourself with the knowledge of the following: the maximum depth you will dive into, the amount of the bottom time you will have and lastly how much air you as the diver will start to ascend with. Checking your air supply is a must too.

Basic safety rules but definitely key to a safer scuba diving!