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48 resultats - Affichage 1 - 20 1 2 3
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Plonger dans l'archipel Mergui - Myanmar
De superbes et une grande diversité de sites de plongée : plonger dans l'archipel Mergui, situé sur la cote Ouest du Myanmar (connu aussi sous le nom de Birmanie) est...
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Plonger au Mozambique
Diving in Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique. Mozambique is a warm sunny country, with a mixture of cultures, colourful markets, wonderful people and amazing beaches. But when you look around you can...
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Plonger dans la réserve de Komodo - Indonésie
Note de la rédaction : les 3 étoiles pour l'expérience ne sont que pour attirer votre attention sur le danger des forts courants. Il faut avoir de l'experience pour pouvoir...
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Plonger à Raja Ampat - Indonésie
The Raja Ampat translates as 'four kings', and describes the four groups of islands around the Bird's Head Peninsula of West Papua in Indonesia: Waigeo in the North, Batanta, Salawati...
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Plonger sur la côte Ouest de l'Inde
India, a SCUBA Diving Heaven waiting to be discovered India has made its name in almost all sectors, be it sports, business, travel, etc. It is a country visited by tourists...
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Plonger en Floride - USA
Florida has thousands of great dive sites, clear blue or teal waters and wrecks, treasures and more. West Palm, Tampa Bay, the Florida Keys and Destin are known for the...
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St. Eustache - STATIA Antilles Néerlandaises
Le monde sous-marin de Saint Eustache, appelé aussi Statia, est renommé pour sa beauté. Les photographes ont un large choix entre la macro, la vue normale ou panoramique en fonction des...
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Plonger en Calabre - Italie
Calabria, the southern most 'toe' of the Italian 'boot', is a huge peninsula with a unique natural and ecological balance between the mountains and the sea. It is described...
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Plonger à Puerto Galera - Philippines
The beginning of the prosperity dive industry in the area of Puerto Galera was the discovery in the waters of Batangas Bay of merchant ship’ remains loaded with Chinese porcelain...
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Plonger peut se faire à partir de différents endroits: Moal Boal: à environ 2H30 de voiture de l'aéroport.... Facile mais long. Par contre le déplcement vaut le coup car on y...
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Plonger à Cancun
The city of Cancun attracts more tourists than any other city in Mexico; about 3 million people take Cancun vacations annually. Cancun is famous for the incredible beaches, stunning views,...
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Plonger à Mexico
One of the most popular and rewarding activities for any Mexico beach vacation is scuba diving Mexico. Scuba diving resources are abundantly available all along the Mexican coast with many...
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Plonger au Honduras
The islands off the coast of Honduras provide varied pleasures for the traveler: Roatan, Guanaja, and Utila. Roatan, the most developed of the three islands, rivals Cancun in flavor, and offers...
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Plonger à Tobago
Suit: 3mm wetsuit or shortie Type of diving: Reefs, drifts Tobago is a tiny island at only twenty five miles long and seven miles wide surrounded by the Caribbean Sea...
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Plonger à St. Lucia - Caraibes
Nested between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean St Lucia is a very beautiful island. St. Lucia is a volcanic island with stunning scenery above the water. The majestic twin...
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Plonger à Grenade
The underwater scenery in Grenada is every bit as breathtaking as it is above the waves, and just as accessable. Most of the diving facilities in Grenada are located in...
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Plonger à Cuba
Suit: 3mm shortie or full length wetsuit Type of diving: Steep walls cut by tunnels and caverns and shallow reefs plus a few wrecks Cuba is a fascinating place with...
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Plonger à Carriacou
Suit: 3mm wetsuit or shortie Type of diving: Mostly sloping reefs and wall dives as well as a few wrecks Carriacou is a pristine, tiny island in the Caribbean that...
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Plonger à Mamanuca
Suit: 3mm in summer, 5mm wetsuit in winter Type of diving: Mostly reef dives Mamanuca is made up of about twenty small islands on the western coast of Vitu Levu....
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Plonger dans le lagon de Beqa
Suit: 3mm in summer, 5mm suit in winter   Beqa (pronounced Benga) Lagoon, remote corner of Fiji, surrounded by one of the largest barrier reefs in the world, lies just 8...
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